2020 Trends to Continue into 2021

2020 Trends to Continue into 2021
Looking back at 2020, the pandemic has impacted how we work, how we learn, and how we connect. As the most significant historical shift continues to take shape, we are witnessing old businesses being forced to adapt to the “new normal” and new businesses emerge. Remote work is on everyone’s minds today. The trends that are currently in place today, will they continue in the future? And if they do, what will it look like? How will it affect our urban and rural communities retrospectively. The opportunity that lays before us, will impact how communities will retain, expand and attract businesses and jobs in the future.
The rate in which we have had to adapt, innovate, and recreate our working environments and hiring practices, has generated new trends that will have great impact on the future of how we work. In this hour and a half session, we will examine the current state of commercial real estate and what trends will emerge in the new year. We will also explore innovative ventilation adaptations that can support healthy working conditions in buildings lacking efficient fresh airflow.
Featured Speakers:
- Spencer Levy, Chairman, Americas Research & Senior Economic Advisor, CBRE
- Shawn Rash, President & Founding Partner, Ally Energy Solutions
- Representatives from CWDC, CDLE – Future of Work, OEDIT, and EDCC
You may also like the following:
- The Weekly Take (CBRE’s Podcast that I host): https://www.cbre.com/the-weekly-take
- The Broadband Advisory Board and Broadband Map of Colorado https://broadband.co.gov/
- National Telecommunications and Information Administration: https://www.ntia.gov/blog/2020/ntia-adds-5-states-national-broadband-availability-map
- LONE Incentive: https://choosecolorado.com/doing-business/incentives-financing/location-neutral-employment-program/
- World Economic Forum survey data: https://www.weforum.org/reports/the-future-of-jobs-report-2020/in-full/infographics-e4e69e4de7
- CanDo Community Telework Program – https://www.codot.gov/programs/communitychallenge
- Remote Work Certifications https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdJG-D5Y7thOvs-yOU6P5cq5_EjiRYmkmz4pd2i0yYSk2f58g/viewform?usp=sf_link
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