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  • What does it take to make a deal, you ask? Well, it takes the work of a lot of people in all different types of fields, we say. If a company is expanding, it looks for the right kind of building, infrastructure, […]

  • The Jefferson County Economic Development Corporation (Jeffco EDC) is proud to announce that Hestra Gloves, located in Arvada, Colorado, has become the first approved site for the Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) […]

  • One of the many key responsibilities of a highly successful economic developer is to build community support and raise public awareness around economic development issues. Seems easy enough right? Yet, this is one […]

  • EDCC has partnered with our State and Federal partners to bring you a one-of-kind informational session that highlights all the funding programs being administered, timelines and deadlines, and ways your community […]

  • It’s as if “The Great Resignation” arrived on the scene—a problem—looking for a solution, which turned out to be Job Quality; a topic that has garnered an increasing number of adherents since its early arrival i […]

  • If leveraged well, then job quality could become the nexus that attracts like-minded businesses, making the case for a community robust with quality jobs, resulting in highly competitive businesses, & greater job […]

  • A new age, heightened by the prospect for economic opportunities – unseen since the end of the Web 2.0 boom (2004 – 2008) – is dawning. Akin to the Industrial Revolution, innovators are charging ahead creatin […]

  • We are at a tipping point and economic developers need to be ready to harness the opportunities that are beginning to come to light. As mentioned by one of our past speakers this year, we are dawning a new age […]

  • The COVID-19 pandemic presented Americans with a huge challenge, taking its toll in human lives and livelihoods across distinct regions, demographics, and vertical markets. Without question, the retail and […]

  • From trends that accelerated during the pandemic to the new ways of doing business, it leaves the question as to where are the retail and hospitality industries going? Municipalities are grappling with reduction […]

  • Looking back at 2020, the pandemic has impacted how we work, how we learn, and how we connect. As the most significant historical shift continues to take shape, we are witnessing old businesses being forced to […]

  • With COVID disruptions, there is now interest in exploring whether “reinvesting” in a more diverse portfolio of plants of different sizes would be more resilient…and perhaps offer more market and economic devel […]

  • The Federal Opportunity Zone Program was created in 2017 to bring investment to distressed state census tracts. Investors have poured billions of dollars into Opportunity Zones, demonstrating confidence in the […]

  • A panel discussion with Dee Wiser, Butler Snow; Reeves Brown, Building a Better Colorado; Sen. Jack Tate, Rep. Matt Soper, moderated by Sarah Mercer, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, who discuss the unintended […]

  • Take a deep dive into city economics, community growth, and urban design as Joe demonstrates how communities can utilize local data and simple math to gain a powerful understanding of their fiscal health, and plan […]

  • While the Gallagher Amendment was intended to address specific challenges at a specific time when it was proposed and passed in 1982, changes in real estate market conditions over time and the voters’ adoption o […]

  • A panel discussion with Dee Wiser, Butler Snow, Reeves Brown, Building a Better Colorado, Sen. Chris Hansen, Rep. Matt Soper, Rep. Denaya Esgar, moderated by Sarah Mercer, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, who […]

  • Reeves Brown, Project Coordinator, Building a Better Colorado, presents a high level overview of the Gallagher Amendment.

    While the Gallagher Amendment was intended to address specific challenges at a specific […]

    Manufacturer’s EDGE:

    Manufacturer’s Edge encourages the strength and competitiveness of Colorado manufacturers through coaching, training, and consulting, collaboration-focused ind […]

  • The current pandemic has exposed our supply chain gaps in a way we have never seen before. Consumers have confronted bare shelves and refrigerated cabinets at their local grocery stores. Medical service providers […]

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