Following an exhaustive review process, the Colorado Department of Transportation has selected sixteen transportation projects across the state worth approximately $22 million as the awardees from the Revitalizing Main Streets Program Larger Safety Infrastructure Grant opportunity. These awards were made possible when Governor Jared Polis signed SB21-110 in March of 2021, which provided an additional $30 million to support the Revitalizing Main Streets Program through two separate grant opportunities, Larger Safety Infrastructure Grants and Small Multimodal & Economic Resiliency Projects. Importantly, the passage of SB-260 further extends this highly successful program beyond the current grant cycle.
“These smart investments improve our quality of life by supporting our vibrant downtowns that drive Colorado’s economy and help ensure our state is the best one in the country to live, work and run a business. These amazing projects will help our communities improve roadways and community infrastructure, support small business activity and public safety,” said Governor Polis. “We are thrilled to see the creativity and passion put into these terrific projects that will improve transportation and fun along main streets across Colorado.”
“CDOT is incredibly grateful for the tremendous partnerships and high level of support that has made the continuation of this innovative program possible,” said CDOT Executive Director Shoshana Lew. “The selected projects support a transportation system that safely accommodates all modes of travel, providing safe access to opportunity and mobility for residents of all ages, incomes and abilities. We can’t wait to see these projects come to life statewide. We are also thrilled that Senate Bill 260 provided more funding for this successful program, which means there will be more opportunities coming up. We had far more fantastic projects than we could fund through this round of the programs, and strongly encourage other applicants to resubmit their applications when future funding becomes available.”
When this grant opportunity was announced in March of 2021, applicants had until May 14 to submit applications. A total of 72 applications were received and reviewed in-depth by CDOT. The sixteen selected projects are as follows:
1. City of Aurora | $1,600,000.00
Project: Northwest Aurora Intersection Pedestrian Safety Enhancement
This project includes design and construction of bulb outs at eight locations in northwest Aurora plus high visibility crosswalk markings. Two of the locations are proposed to be constructed as permanent bulb outs where the curb line will be rebuilt, along with gutters and ramps matching the design standards for the City of Aurora. Rapid implementation bulb outs are proposed at six locations. A combination of concrete curbs, mounted flexible bollards, and striping, would be used to delineate the bulb out areas for pedestrians while also providing a vertical signal to drivers. Flexible bollards mounted on concrete curbs, will be prioritized on snow routes, decreasing snowplow strikes and increasing the lifespan of the materials.
“The City of Aurora is excited to participate in the Revitalizing Main Streets Program, and with this funding opportunity will install bulb outs, also known as curb extensions, and high visibility crosswalk markings to create safer crosswalk design,” said City of Aurora Staff. “These improvements will decrease pedestrian crossing distances, and therefore, result in less exposure to vehicle traffic, increase drivers and pedestrian visibility of each other and slow down vehicle traffic by properly reducing lane widths and turning radii.”
Town of Avon | $2,000,000.00
Project: US 6 Multimodal Safety and Mobility Improvements
This project will improve safety for transit users and enhance pedestrian mobility. US 6 is a major transit corridor in Avon. There are four pairs of ECO Transit bus stops on US 6 between W. Beavercreek Blvd and Post Blvd without pedestrian crossings. The project will construct a roundabout on US 6 at Stonebridge Drive. The roundabout will traffic-calm the corridor and enable the addition of the River Edge Crossing, the Eaglebend Crossing, and Mountain Stream Crossing. Actuated Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacons will be installed at the roundabout and all the pedestrian crossings to enhance the visibility of the crosswalks. Pedestrian refuge islands will be installed to provide additional safety measures.
“We are very excited to proceed with this essential pedestrian safety improvement on US 6! The Town of Avon, Eagle County, EagleVail Metro District, and CDOT worked together for many years to address safety and mobility concerns on US 6. This two million dollar CDOT grant award will enable us to implement substantial improvements to pedestrian safety and access to transit on this corridor of US 6,” said Town of Avon Mayor Sarah Smith Hymes. “We look forward to continued collaboration with Eagle County and CDOT to improve safety and the quality of life in our community. On behalf of the Town of Avon and all of our stakeholders, we thank CDOT for their support.”
Town of Berthoud | $500,000.00
Project: North Berthoud Parkway Trail Gap Closure
This project will connect the six new neighborhoods on the north side of Berthoud to main street (Mountain Avenue) and downtown. The project will add a pedestrian crosswalk on Berthoud Parkway and a regional trail separate from the roadway located on the west side. The crosswalk includes a pedestrian island and pedestrian hybrid beacons. The trail will proceed 0.5 miles north and connect to the existing trail system at County Road 10E. Existing trails continue west along County Road 10E. Cyclists and pedestrians will be protected from road traffic by jersey barriers.
City of Colorado Springs | $1,600,000.00
Project: Tejon Street Improvements – Phase 1
The vision for the Tejon Street Improvement Project includes five blocks of Tejon Street through the most active stretch of Downtown Colorado Springs, from Colorado Avenue to Boulder Street. The City anticipates phased implementation of the Tejon Street Improvement Project and this grant will go toward Phase 1 of improvements: the two blocks of Tejon Street between Colorado Avenue and East Kiowa Street.
“Downtown Colorado Springs continues to undergo a renaissance, bolstered by catalytic City for Champions projects on the north and south ends. Downtown is seeing unprecedented residential growth, a variety of new food and entertainment venues, and continued economic and tourist activity. Investing in a welcoming, accessible, safe and well-connected downtown is essential to our continued economic health and vibrancy,” said Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers. “The Revitalizing Main Streets Grant helps realize the many goals laid out in the Experience Downtown Masterplan including the creation and maintenance of a welcoming and vibrant environment that is well-connected, walkable, innovative and valued.”
Project rendering for Tejon Street Improvements in Colorado Springs
Colorado State University | $581,735.64
Project: Center Bikeway/Mountain Loop Trail Separation and Safety Enhancement
Physical separation of existing trail into a 1) pedestrian walkway and 2) bicycle trail (Mountain Loop/Center Bikeway). The project will support physical distancing during COVID on campus while delivering a needed safety modification to improve the predictability at the intersection of two heavily congested bicycle and pedestrian corridors.
“Colorado State University is proud to be awarded a Revitalizing Main Streets Grant for our Center Bikeway/Mountain Loop Separated Trail and bike roundabout safety enhancement,” said CSU Alternative Transportation Manager Aaron Fodge. “We are extremely thankful to CDOT for helping our community invest in active transportation and safety as we strive for equitable access for our students, employees, visitors, and community members. Revitalizing Main Streets is a welcome stimulus as we attempt to recover from the COVID pandemic.”
City of Craig | $480,000.00
Project: Yampa Street Pedestrian Enhancements
This award will fund a project in Craig which includes improved ADA conditions including ramps, ADA compliant tree grates and mid-block bulb-outs to further promote slower traffic speeds in the downtown area. Active transportation will be increased by offering a more functional, safe and attractive pedestrian environment. The mid-block bulb-outs will reduce overall speeds to improve safety and comfort of all ages. This project supports ongoing multimodal improvements in Craig slated for 2022. The ADA compliance will enhance safety and accessibility for senior and disadvantaged populations.
“The Craig Downtown Revitalization project will continue to be a catalyst for ongoing commercial improvements, business expansion and attraction of new commercial enterprises,” said Craig Jarrod Ogden. “The $480,000 awarded with this grant will provide a facelift to approximately 2,400 linear feet of storefront multi-modal access. The City of Craig is very thankful and appreciative of the help that we have received.”
“Before” and progress photo of the project this grant will help fund in Craig
City of Delta | $2,000,000.00
Project: Hillside Street Rebuild Adding Multimodal Corridor
The Hillside Street rebuild project will include full reconstruction of Hillside Street, creating the City’s first multimodal corridor and addressing safety hazards including reconfiguration and potential closure of high accident intersections. Hillside St. connects the City’s Main Street (Highway 50) to its residential neighborhoods and elementary schools.
“The City of Delta is excited to create its first multimodal corridor with the help of the Revitalizing Main Streets grant from CDOT! Without this funding, we would not be able to complete this project and certainly would not be able to improve pedestrian and bicycle connectivity,” said Delta City Manager Elyse Ackerman-Casselberry. “An added bonus, this project will help connect our elementary schools and neighborhoods directly to the heart and soul of our community-Main Street!”
City of Edgewater | $841,000.00
Project: 25th Avenue Streetscape Project
This project will install a chicane (curve in a road used to slow traffic for safety reasons) for traffic calming, an additional protected bike lane, on-street parking, and Festival Streets (option to remove curb).
“Edgewater is so excited to have funding to complete the 25th Ave. Streetscape Project,” said Edgewater City Manager Dan Maples. “This project will revitalize our ‘Main Street’ and assist with bringing back the local economy.”
City of Fort Collins | $1,437,500.00
Project: Laporte Avenue Improvements
The Laporte Avenue Improvements– Fishback to Sunset Project will construct multimodal improvements along Laporte Avenue from Fishback Avenue to Sunset Street in northwest Fort Collins. The Laporte Corridor Project seeks to improve vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian safety along the Laporte Avenue corridor by addressing deficient sidewalks, adding raised bicycle lanes, adding a center reversible turn lane, adding a signalized pedestrian crossing, and upgrading the roadway with curb and gutter, and other traffic improvements.
City of Greeley | $2,000,000.00
Project: 16th Street Corridor Enhancement
The project will begin with a determination of the improvements needed for pedestrian safety and any required upgrades to meet all ADA rules. In various areas this will entail widening the sidewalks and adding pedestrian refuges or rest areas. An inspection of the current concrete infrastructure has established the need to repair a majority of the concrete. Because this project will likely result in a new curb and gutter location, the City would also be able to upgrade the concrete infrastructure.
“The City of Greeley is pleased to have been selected to receive one of the Revitalizing Main Streets grants from CDOT. The current condition of 16th Street between 7th and 11th Avenues is below any current City of Greeley standards for street design, landscaping desires, safe pedestrian and bicycle passage and there is a lack of adequate street lighting. The redesign of this corridor will address those issues to provide an improved multimodal experience in conjunction with needed improvements to the traffic signals to improve the traffic flow and intersection level of service,” said Greeley City Engineer Tom Hellen. “This street is a connection between previous improvements on 8th Avenue in the Downtown Development Area and the University of Northern Colorado with a goal of increasing development activity and providing a safer connection for both students and the general population. Construction of these improvements is scheduled for 2023 following public meetings for community input and final design.”
Project rendering for the 16th Street Corridor Enhancement project in Greeley
Town of Lyons | $243,000.00
Project: US 36 Broadway and Multimodal Improvements
The project will build a 10-foot-wide multimodal pathway to connect the CO 7 lower project on the west end of downtown Lyons to the trail network on the east end of Town. This project will enable pedestrians and cyclists to travel safely on Broadway (US 36). Currently, Broadway (US 36 eastbound) does not have sidewalks or bike lanes. It will also create pedestrian access to the businesses along Broadway (US 36), activate the north side of the highway for improved business access and pedestrian connectivity and add 51 parking spaces to Lyons commercial downtown area.
“As one of Colorado’s Main Street communities, the Town of Lyons is thrilled to learn we have been awarded this important funding. Both the project and the funding are invaluable to a community of our size and this will be a tremendous safety improvement and transportation enhancement,” said Lyons Director of Communications and Community Relations Kim Mitchell. “Lyons looks forward to leveraging our resources together, working in tandem with CDOT to create a safer, stronger, resilient, vibrant community and quickly recover from the economic impacts of COVID-19.
City of Montrose| $2,000,000.00
Project: West Main Complete Streets
This project will include roadway conversion, ADA compliant sidewalks and new bike lanes in both directions for the full length of the project area on West Main Street in Montrose to establish this much needed connection for the residents of West Montrose. Final design will be developed through a public process and in coordination with CDOT.
“This funding will be used for a monumental project that will transform the West Main Street corridor. It aims to improve safety for all users, expand accessibility for pedestrians and bicyclists, and create a welcoming environment that will spur further economic revitalization efforts in Downtown Montrose,” said Montrose Community Program Manager Kendall Cramer. “The City of Montrose extends our appreciation to the Colorado Department of Transportation for its investment in our community.”
City of Pueblo| $2,000,000.00
Project: Pueblo Downtown Multimodal Safety Improvements Project
In 2016, the City of Pueblo completed the Union Avenue and Main Street Master Plan, funded by 2016 Pueblo County 1A Funds, with a focus on pedestrian access, parking options, and streetscape improvements. This project will implement the intent of the plan – a strong community-developed vision for Union Avenue and Main Street, which are separate but integrated downtown corridors.
Roaring Fork Transportation Authority| $1,000,000.00
Project: 27th & CO 82 Pedestrian Underpass
The purpose of this project is to create a grade-separated bicycle and pedestrian crossing of Colorado Highway 82 at 27th Street in Glenwood Springs. The need for this crossing has been well-documented since 2011 or earlier, when Fehr and Peers conducted a study, commissioned by CDOT, to investigate and prioritize safety, geometric, and operational characteristics of 47 intersections within Region 3 of CDOT.
City of Salida| $2,000,000.00
Project: Oak Street Corridor, Gateway to Downtown Salida
Our plans include accommodations for Chaffee Shuttle fixed-route transit stops. The amenities included in this project: pedestrian walkway, pedestrian-scale lighting, landscaping and canopy trees, benches, crosswalks, managed vehicular access points, bike lanes in each direction, improved stormwater drainage, and transit pull-outs – will all contribute to realizing the potential of this corridor.
“The City of Salida is pleased to be a recipient of the Revitalizing Main Streets Grant Award for the streetscape improvements to CO 291. This highway corridor is the eastern gateway into downtown Salida. Improving this corridor has been a goal of City Council members for many years,” said City of Salida Public Works Director David Lady. “The City recently adopted an improvement plan for this section of highway that concluded a two year planning process involving consultants, CDOT staff, and the community to identify needs and solutions. The design concepts can now become a reality with the grant funding.”
City of Wheat Ridge| $1,360,000.00
Project: Wadsworth Pedestrian and Streetscape Facilities: Phase 1 Options #2 & #3
The overall project improves Wadsworth Boulevard to relieve traffic congestion, manage business access, and provide better facilities for pedestrians and cyclists. Last widened in 1950, the overall project includes improving Wadsworth from 35th Avenue to I-70 with innovative, efficient, and safe intersection designs at 38th and 44th Avenues, safer access for businesses, a continuous, wide, detached sidewalk on the west side and a wide, detached, multi-use path on the east side of Wadsworth that connects to the regional Clear Creek Trail, part of the Peaks to Plains trail system.
While the large grant opportunity through the Revitalizing Main Streets Program is now closed, communities can still apply for small grants up to $150,000 for multimodal and economic resiliency projects available on a rolling basis. For more information, visit the Revitalizing Main Streets page.