Job Quality as a BRE Strategy?

Job Quality as a BRE Strategy?
If leveraged well, then job quality could become the nexus that attracts like-minded businesses, making the case for a community robust with quality jobs, resulting in highly competitive businesses, & greater job satisfaction for employees.
For Economic Developers, growing and attracting quality jobs is key in our ability to build sustainable and resilient economies. There are many benefits, both to the employers and employees, in improving job quality. Employers need dedicated employees to carry out their goals, objectives, and to remain competitive and in the same respect, employees are prioritizing quality jobs more than ever before. The nexus between this relationship lies the opportunity to grow a more equitable economy.
As leaders in our communities, we can grow and attract businesses that are committed to job quality by coordinating policies and incentives that promote the creation and growth of quality jobs; long-term BRE plans that prioritize quality jobs; and by responsive education and training programs that meet evolving needs of job seekers, workers, businesses, and the economy.
EDCC, in partnership with the Colorado Workforce Development Council, has assembled a panel of experts that will help us explore the concept of job quality and how it relates to our overall missions in our local communities. We are at the forefront for change. Join us as we pull the collective know-how from our network of economic development stakeholders to power the great comeback through job quality.
Thought-leadership Contributors + Speakers:
- Paula Gumina, Consultant, Colorado Workforce Development Council
- Jenny Weissbourd, Job Quality Fellow, Aspen Institute
- Ashlie Arnold, Rural Empowerment Programs Manager, Pax8
- Aryn Schlichting, Founder, Mountain Careers
- Jimmy Burds, Owner & CFO, Colographic
This one-of-kind virtual event will get to the heart of these issues, provide data to back up theories developed in the exploration, to result in a thought-leader position report that our professionals will be able to use to help guide conversations and actions at the local level. (Read our latest paper on “Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Shifts, Trends, and Unicorns”)
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- Raise the Floor and Build Ladders – CLICK HERE
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