Adam Krueger
City of Thornton Economic Development Department
In Adam’s role as Deputy Director, he acts as the single point of contact for primary employers and their consultants as they make location and expansion decisions. Adam is a Certified Economic Developer (CEcD) and has 10 years of experience in economic development, market research, and management. Prior to coming to Thornton in March 2011, he was the Business Development Manager for a non-profit economic development organization serving northern Colorado. Adam is active in the Economic Development Council of Colorado (EDCC) and the International Economic Development Council (IEDC). He also serves on the Adams County Economic Developments (ACED) board of directors and the National Association of Office and Industrial Properties (NAIOP) programs committee.
Adam is a graduate of Colorado State University (Go Rams!) with a degree in Communications. He lives in Thornton with his wife, Kate, and daughters, Ava and Zoe.