Adelante Community Development (ACD) will receive over $3.6 million to support programs focused on economic stimulus and recovery and build healthy communities. ACD is the first Adams County non-profit association helping monolingual Spanish-speaking business owners succeed. It has served as a critical and trusted resource to distribute emergency healthcare resources during the onset of the pandemic. The Adams County COVID-19 Grant Program, funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), helps with community response and recovery efforts. The program is designed to help provide financial support for projects and programs assisting in COVID-19 response and recovery efforts in Adams County.
ACD’s “Centro Comunitario Adelante” provides entrepreneurs with business compliance, digital transformation, entrepreneurial training, and leadership and will receive over $1.8 million in dedicated funding. ACD’s “Juntos Adelante” will receive over $1.8 million to continue COVID-19 vaccination and testing efforts and will continue expansion in the community.
As the founder and CEO of ACD, I am incredibly grateful for this funding as we scale our operations. During the pandemic, we have expanded beyond business to serve basic health needs for our community as basic health needs remained unmet. This funding allows us to expand outreach to keep our community safe while helping our businesses grow more economically viable. ACD continues to play a significant role in community response and recovery efforts. We have stepped up and designed programs to support businesses and families to counter the adverse economic effects of the pandemic.
Centro Comunitario Adelante provides small business entrepreneurs with a central location for business training and development support in the Latino community. The program includes tech assistance, business compliance, business coaching, digital literacy and transformation, website development, and social media marketing expertise. Funding will assist in scaling those efforts.
ACD provides education classes and training on Quick Books and other business software and offers courses on cryptocurrency and distinct types critical in the digital business world. Lessons on access to capital, payroll services, legal services, creating business plans, compliance, and other fundamental business classes serve this growing group of entrepreneurs in Adams County.
Our commitment is to help our small businesses by promoting them and giving them resources to improve operations. Our small businesses are constantly looking for ways to reinvent themselves and keep moving forward. Owners are willing to put in the work, but they need access to information that can help them operate smarter to continue to weather the economy. This funding will allow us to expand and develop what we have started. Our community needs it, but they also deserve this after being left behind for so long.
COVID-19 has interrupted regular business activity across the nation, and Adams County is no exception. With one of the largest Latino populations in Colorado and growing, we have a great need as we rebuild and invest in the community we love. Investing in Adams County is reinvesting in the success of future generations. There is so much work ahead to maintain vibrant businesses, families, and infrastructure that will help us thrive.
Maria Gonzalez, Founder & CEO of Adelante Community Development.