The Colorado Department of Transportation awarded five new Revitalizing Main Streets grants this week to the Town of Mead, Town of Silver Cliff, City of Fountain, and City of Glenwood Springs, and the Town of La Junta. The Revitalizing Main Streets grants help localities improve their roadways and community infrastructure, supporting strong economic activity and public safety. The program began last summer in an effort to mitigate the negative economic fallout from the COVID-19 crisis. The continuation and expansion of this program was made possible through a $30 million allocation from the state legislature in March 2021 and those funds are currently available for local government competition, with significant anticipated demand. Importantly, the passage of SB-260 would further extend this highly successful program beyond the current grant cycle.
“As summer arrives in Colorado, both residents and tourists will be able to enjoy fun projects funded through the Revitalizing Main Streets program,” said Governor Jared Polis. “It’s great to see the creativity in different communities.”
“CDOT is excited about the number of Revitalizing Main Streets grant submissions we had in the month of May and we’re continuing to award new innovative projects each week,” said CDOT Executive Director Shoshana Lew. “We’re looking forward to seeing the projects come to life during this summer construction season. The long-term benefits this program brings to community main streets are numerous.”
The five new awards this week brings the total Revitalizing Main Streets grant awards to 97 projects statewide and growing. Awarded projects span the entire state, from Denver and Boulder to Hugo and Limon to Frisco and Rifle. A full list of recipients is available here. Highlights include numerous projects facilitating safe pedestrian access to outdoor dining, improved lighting, sidewalk repair, incorporating “parklets” into streetscapes, and much more.
This week’s awards are as follows:
1. Town of Mead- Award | $149,999.00
Project: Know Your Roads
Design, fabricate, and install destination signs, an electronic kiosk, pedestrian and bicycle signs, and trail navigation/maps throughout the Town of Mead.
“The Town of Mead is fortunate to have been awarded a Revitalizing Main Streets grant to further our commitment to traveling safely around our town. Wayfinding and signage are an important tool to define Mead from other areas and improve accessibility to downtown, businesses, parks, and trails,” said Town of Mead Public Information Officer, Lorelei Nelson. “Our Know Your Roads campaign will provide the necessary signage to help residents, commuters, pedestrians, and bicyclists navigate our community, while also boosting economic resiliency. This award signifies Mead’s path forward and we appreciate the opportunity.”
2. Town of Silver Cliff- Award | $149,999.00
Project: Connecting the Community, the Outdoors and the History of the Valley
Replace the sidewalk in front of the Silver Cliff Museum to improve ADA access and drainage along the main street area. Construct a pavilion shade structure, with numerous amenities (including restrooms) in the area between the museum, town hall, and senior center.
3. City of Fountain- Award | $99,999.00
Project: N Main Street and Ohio Ave Intersection Improvements
Add to previously awarded intersection improvements including bump-outs, ADA ramps, bike racks, and improved sidewalks.
“We are pleased and excited to have received this grant funding from CDOT, and appreciate their continued support and partnership with the City of Fountain,” said Fountain Mayor Gabriel Ortega. “The projects we will complete in our Olde Town District thanks to this CDOT funding will provide important improvements to the very heart of our city, and contribute greatly to our vision of embracing responsible development, while maintaining Fountain’s All-America hometown feel and strong sense of community.”
4. City of Glenwood Springs- Award | $149,999.00
Project: Devereux Pedestrian Passage Project
Construction of a pedestrian passage along Devereux Road on the western edge of Two Rivers Park to provide safe pedestrian connectivity to the Traver Trail Ride Glenwood bus stop.
“Improving pedestrian safety is so important, especially in areas like this where there is high usage, but no existing facilities connecting to major destinations,” said Glenwood Springs Mayor Jonathan Godes. “Glenwood Springs is grateful to CDOT for their crucial support in helping fund this multi-use trail connection that will provide a safe route for locals and visitors who walk or bike in the Devereux corridor.”
5. Town of La Junta- Award | $65,662.50
Project: La Junta Bike Share Program
Deploy 26 bikes and 30 racks to create bike share stations at various public service buildings, attractions, and recreation destinations.
Two La Junta high school students, Alyssa Bullock and Shealie Schmidt, helped write La Junta’s grant proposal. Their time and assistance with the grant was recognized at La Junta High School’s graduation ceremony last weekend. Congratulations to both students on this honor and for their part in writing the Revitalizing Main Streets Grant for the soon to come La Junta Bike Share Program.